Dell-Ray and I are currently building an Arduino-powered screwdriver antenna controller. Check out our current status on Facebook!
Month: March 2013
Electronic Workbench
Every ham radio operator that builds equipment needs a work bench. Here I am throwing some ideas together. I will post more when I start building the bench.
So far I have built a CNC router in order to make PCBs, but I then wanted the boards to be painted. It would be nice to make PCBs at home that look like they were done by the pros, so it does not just end with the CNC router.
Computer PS to a Bench-top PS
Buying a Raspberry Pi, I needed a USB power supply. So, I am converting a old computer switching power supply to a bench top power supply that I can use to power my small projects.
Remote Radio Station
Living in Europe I have had small yards or gardens. This has made me thing more about Remote Radio Stations. Also, it might be best to have your receiver in a location where there is less noise on the bands for local switching power supplies.
SoftrockSDR Ensemble RXTX using HDSDR
Electronics of my First CNC
This is an old post of mine about the electronics in my CNC. At first I was having problems getting motors to turn, and then latter I was having problems getting the limit switches to work. Let me know if you have any basic questions about EMC2, I might have the answer.
My First CNC Router
Here is a little time lapse video of me working on the ‘y’ axis of my second (first of my own design) CNC router.